CyTOF® Antibodies – Validated and Optimized

Why should you choose Leinco Technologie’s Purified Functional Grade Antibodies?

Leinco offers a large selection of CyTOF® antibodies. Specifically, Leinco’s purified functional PLATINUM™ and GOLD™ antibodies are qualified and ready for use with MaxPar® metal labeling kits from Fluidigm.

  • High concentrations (≥1.0 mg/ml) optimal for MaxPar® metal labeling
  • No BSA or interfering carrier proteins
  • Ready to use buffer formulation (PBS pH 7.2)

CyTOF® Antibodies – Key Advantages to Mass Cytometry

The new CyTOF® instruments by Fluidigm are a great new tool allowing researchers to examine over 40 different proteins in a single cell without concern of overlapping emission spectra, maximizing the information obtained from a single sample. With over 120 available detection channels and over 40 isotopic probes, mass cytometry enables comprehensive profiling of cellular phenotypes, signaling state, cytokine/chemokine expression and viability. The Key advantages to mass cytometry are:

  1. Minimal signal overlap means the instrument is theoretically capable of detecting 100 parameters per cell
  2. A single well-constructed experiment produces enormous amounts of data for analysis and knowledge of sample
  3. High speed data acquisition

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