Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Reagents

Empowering Your Research with IHC Solutions

Immunohistochemistry (IHC), is a common and established technique used in medical research and diagnostics. This technique allows scientists to investigate the underlying causes of various diseases by examining protein distribution within tissues.

IHC works by staining tissue samples, either frozen or paraffin-embedded, with antibodies designed to target and bind to specific proteins of interest. Once attached, a secondary antibody is introduced to reveal the location of the primary antibody, using chromogenic or fluorescent detection.

Researchers can even use multiple antibodies simultaneously on a single tissue sample (multiplex IHC) for a more comprehensive analysis. This unveils the intricate organization and architecture of healthy and diseased tissues at the protein level.

Leinco provides a vast collection of antibodies specifically validated for IHC applications, including key immuno-oncology markers. Additionally, we offer a range of IHC kits and reagents designed to ensure sensitive and consistent results in your research.

Key Reagents

Detection Solutions

Substrate kits: DAB | Enhanced DAB 

UltraAvidin IHC Staining Kits: Rabbit (DyLight 550, FITC, HRP) | Mouse (FITC, HRP)

Reagents: Streptavidin HRP | UltraAvidin HRP

Secondary Antibodies: Biotinylated | HRP | Alk Phos | Fluorescent

Antigen retrieval buffers: Tris-EDTA pH 9.0 | EDTA pH 8.0 | Citrate pH 6.0

Blocking Solutions

Normal Sera: Goat | Donkey | Mouse | Rat | Rabbit

AffiPure IgG from Normal Serum: Goat | Donkey | Mouse | Rabbit | Rat | Bovine | Porcine | Human | Horse | Hamster | Guinea Pig | Dog | Chicken

Fab Fragments: Goat | Mouse | Rabbit | Rat | Chicken | Hamster